Happy New Year!

It’s hard to believe, but 2014 is here. One year ago today I had just returned from a great trip to London, (check the score from the Arsenal vs. Newcastle game in December 2012 and you’ll see why), and I was heading back to my MBA, which would last 9 more months. Today I live in an odd limbo, waiting to see where and for who I’ll be working. I’m still hesitant to “get out there” and plant roots in the Hague since I might not be there in 3 months, and that’s a strange way to live. After 5 years of Universities and degrees I’m ready to get started and do something with myself, and I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen in the next 12 months and beyond.

You may have guessed then, that the biggest challenge I face today is to find a company to work for. I’m happy to say that I’ve made positive strides, but we’re still not quite there yet. Every rejection I receive adds fuel to my fire, motivating me to work harder and improve myself. I’ve begun studying two languages, (Spanish and PHP), and I pick up more Dutch every day. Instead of wallowing in the negative environment that unemployment creates, (very easy to do), I’ve tried to take it positively, spending time with the Dutch family I haven’t seen in 18 years, working out and running on the beach, learning to cook, (still terrible, apologies to all who have to suffer through it), and even getting back into recreational reading, something I haven’t had time for since my high school days. 

Still, I’d be a little bit more comfortable with the financial security provided by a full-time position, so that search takes up most of my time. I’m fortunate to have a fantastic family supporting me until I land on my feet, and I can’t thank them enough for their love and help. To my mother, father and two sisters – thank you. I know it hasn’t always been easy, but so far we’ve tackled everything life has thrown at us, and we’ve done it together.

To my IMBA family – I miss you all, and I hope you’re happy, healthy and safe, wherever you may be. Some of you have returned to your homelands, some of you are sticking it out in Holland, and some of you are exploring opportunities in  new countries – I wish you the best of luck.

To everyone else – stay safe and be good to each other. Wishing you and yours a very happy new year.

Harry Berendsen

PS – I’m not usually a very serious person, so I didn’t feel right in ending that post on such a somber note. Here’s one of my favorite videos from 2013. My favorite line comes at 3:41, so give it at least until there.

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